Small Business for Biden-Harris
16 min readOct 28, 2020

Small Businesses & Influencers Get Loud in Support of Biden-Harris

Local leaders cite positive vision, contrast with Trump attacks on health care and failure to protect 400,000 small businesses from COVID-19 fallout

As the Biden for President campaign makes its closing argument to America’s business community, small business leaders across the U.S. are cheering Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris for their commitment and sustained advocacy in support of America’s entrepreneurs and 30 million small businesses — especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have used their platform throughout the campaign to push for expanded pandemic resources for small businesses including grants instead of loans for the hardest hit businesses and guaranteed support for qualifying businesses with fewer than 50 employees.

The duo has also made support for small businesses and expanding entrepreneurship central pillars in their Build Back Better recovery plans. In fact, they have laid out more than two-dozen proposals to increase access to capital, eliminate barriers to federal procurement opportunities, support entrepreneurship among women, veterans, military spouses, and people of color, and level the playing field for small businesses everywhere.

The Biden for President campaign continues to make the case that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have the plan and the experience America needs to build back better. The campaign is hosting several of the nation’s leading business luminaries for “Get Out The Vote: A Conversation on the Future of Small Business and Entrepreneurship” with Maya Harris, Shark Tank star Mark Cuban, Executive Chairman of KIND Snacks Daniel Lubetzky, and Biden for President Deputy Campaign Manager Rufus Gifford. RSVP: https://www.mobilize.us/joebiden/event/358675/

Supporter Quotes & Graphics — PLEASE SHARE!


Rhonda Abrams, USA Today columnist and national small business advocate

“When I see so many small businesses shuttered — and more than 200,000 Americans dead — I am not only heartbroken, I’m angry. If Donald Trump had developed and implemented a national plan to combat Covid-19, many fewer businesses and many fewer Americans would have died. Even if you’ve never voted for a Democrat before, this election goes beyond party labels. Please VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN AND KAMALA HARRIS. I am confident that a Biden/Harris Administration will have the competence and character to take on the very difficult work needed in 2021 and beyond to help our country, our economy, and our Main Streets recover.”

Andrew Yang, Entrepreneur

“Small businesses are the backbone of our communities, and 2020 has been a nightmare year for them. We need leadership that will prioritize the recovery of shops on Main Street, not the nation’s wealthiest corporations. A Biden presidency will help our auto body shops, bakeries, and hometown restaurants keep their doors open and bring back workers — which would be vital to our nation’s comeback.”

Daniel Lubetzky, Executive Chairman for KIND Snacks

“America has long offered small businesses the reliability of rule of law, fairness, and a strong reputation on the global stage. But diminished respect from foreign governments due to the mismanagement of coronavirus, Twitter edicts that generate industry-wide disruptions, and rising polarization among citizens create volatility that hurts small businesses most. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will bring back a climate of fairness, stability, and global leadership, helping to restore America’s role as the best cradle for entrepreneurs and enterprises.”

Maria Contreras-Sweet, former Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration

“During my time as SBA Administrator, I saw how small business can be a force for prosperity and good in our country. Unfortunately, small businesses, especially those run by women and people of color, have disproportionately suffered the impact of COVID-19. More than 1 in 5 small businesses now risk permanent closure. Small businesses are the heartbeat of the American economy, and I am supporting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris because they have a plan to help revitalize Main Streets around the country. I know Joe, I’ve worked with Joe. He and Kamala will fight TO provide the resources necessary to help businesses Build Back Better.”

Karen Mills, former Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration

“When small businesses were being pummeled by the Great Recession in 2009, they had a champion in Vice President Biden when President Obama called on him to lead the nation’s economic recovery efforts. What I know from working with him then is that Joe Biden knows America’s small businesses, and I know that he and Senator Harris are ready to take bold steps now to ensure small businesses and their workers get the assistance they need to survive the economic and public health crush of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Marie Johns, former Deputy Administrator, U.S. Small Business Administration

“The power, the importance, the dynamism, the worth, and the very fabric of our country, of our small businesses, particularly Black-owned businesses in our communities, cannot be overstated. We need a Biden-Harris administration that is going to honor those businesses and get them the support they need to continue to grow or start again in our communities across the country.”

David Clunie, Executive Director of the Black Economic Alliance (BEA)

“I want people representing me like Kamala Harris and Joe Biden who want to be as inclusive as possible, to figure out ways to use their limited resources and make sure that they are meeting the needs of different people.”

Ron Busby, President & CEO of U.S. Black Chambers, Inc.

“Black Americans face a triple pandemic — COVID-19, record Black business closures, and the racist climate of hate contributing to long-standing systemic inequalities. This election is pivotal for Black business owners. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the clear choice for Black businesses in this election. We look forward to working with the Vice President and the Senator to recover, grow, and sustain Black-owned businesses.”


Lester Johnson, Owner of Mama J’s Restaurant in Richmond, Virginia

“With the heartache of what we’re dealing with, from a business standpoint, from a loss of life standpoint, I think Governor Northam has done a really good job, and that’s, again, the type of leadership, the steady look at certain situations based on the science and making good decisions that Joe Biden will bring to the national scene.”

Esther Lee, Entrepreneur and former Virginia Secretary of Commerce and Trade

“COVID-19 has been devastating for small businesses all across our country. As a former entrepreneur and government leader, I am excited about the bold new policies proposed by Vice President Biden to support small businesses and entrepreneurs, especially women and minority entrepreneurs, who have been hardest hit during the pandemic.”

U.S. Senator Ben Cardin, Ranking Member, Small Business & Entrepreneurship Committee

“Joe Biden and Kamala Harris recognize that our nation’s small businesses, including those in underserved and emerging markets, need a level playing field to thrive in today’s economy, especially during these unprecedented times.”

Sukari Pinnock, MSOD, PCC, Leadership & Management Expert, Washington, D.C.

“There is a role for government to play in helping our businesses grow, be sustainable, and to help create wealth in our communities. What gives me hope is that a Biden-Harris ticket is going to be committed to having the government be accountable for helping our businesses thrive.”


Ben Waxman, Owner of American Roots Clothing Co. in Westbrook, Maine

“The Vice President has outlined a comprehensive Buy American component that is real. When he talks about that, we know he is going to enforce it. Right now, there is an unfair playing field and politicians need to step up and do something about it. I’m very excited to see Vice President Biden be the president who finally enforces that and fights for Maine workers.”


Stephen K. Benjamin, Mayor of Columbia, South Carolina

“We need Joe Biden and his clear-eyed, thoughtful and compassionate approach to building America with a focus on our small businesses, and one that recognizes our interdependence with the rest of the world. We can build an equitable, inclusive society in which we all can do well together, and we can do this under the leadership of Joe Biden.”

Greg Celestan, Chairman & CEO of Celestar Corp. in Tampa, Florida

“I am an Independent and am a Veteran. I started my business in 2004 after retiring from the Army. I support Joe Biden not because I feel that his economic policies would directly benefit me, I am willing to pay my share of taxes to build infrastructure and create conditions for small businesses to thrive and prosper. I support Joe Biden because I am tired of the current level of divisiveness and I want a President who will be willing to work with either party to develop solutions.”

Pilar Guzman Zavala, Owner & CEO of Half Moon Empanadas in Miami, Florida

“I am an immigrant to this country and a small-business owner. On my way to success I almost went bankrupt, my family almost got evicted from our home; yet I persisted. That is what entrepreneurs do. That is what women and minorities do. We have to. Now, in addition to running my business, I support my community — those most vulnerable due to the COVID-19 pandemic as well as female and minority entrepreneurs.

Female and minority entrepreneurs across the United States have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. In Florida alone, one in five small businesses have closed since January. While we can do a lot as a community, we really need an empathetic leadership that listens, understands and acts on our needs: small business owners; female business leaders; minority business leaders.

I am supporting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris because they know that small businesses are the real engine of this country: jobs, production and growth. The U.S. economy and American prosperity are not measured in how high the stock market is. It is measured in the health and growth of small businesses.”

Jane Castor, Mayor of Tampa, Florida

“America is at a crossroads and we need bold leadership to repair the damage done to main street by this pandemic. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have what it takes to pull American back from the brink. Their grit and determination to mobilize main street will be the fuel so many of these businesses so desperately need.”

Carolyn Pitt, Founder & CEO of Film Connx, Atlanta, Georgia

“Joe Biden & Kamala Harris are planning to build America back the way it needs to be, making sure that there’s access to capital for innovators including black women, making sure that we have access to networks and partnerships that we need to grow our businesses, making sure that we have influence so that we are a part of a dialogue and a part of the change.”

Rep. Eddie Lucio III, Texas House District 38, Texas small business owner

“It’s time to restore small business as a priority in the White House. The Biden-Harris ticket is poised to rebuild consumer confidence that is crucial to rebuilding our economy. What happens in this election can be the foundation for America’s resilient return to prosperity.”


Francesca Hong, Owner of Morris Ramen in Madison, Wisconsin

“We’ve got to vote and we’ve got to vote Biden-Harris in November. There is hope and opportunity that always comes from turmoil. History has shown us that. For those who are thinking about starting your own business, know that we need folks more than ever right now to think outside of the box. Vote Biden-Harris.”

Jerry Bechard, Owner of The Norske Nook in Osseo, Wisconsin

“It’s time we got back to being civil in our dealings with each other and other countries! I support Joe Biden as many of my employees including me have pre existing conditions and am very concerned for them with the upcoming court.”

Tom Vilsack, former Governor of Iowa & U.S. Secretary of Agriculture

“Joe Biden and Kamala Harris understand that small business remains the backbone of America’s economy especially along the Main Streets in rural and small town America. A Biden-Harris Administration will build back better the American economy by strengthening and expanding access to credit and equity financing to small businesses and entrepreneurs located in rural communities across America.”

Anne Zimmerman, President & CPA at Zimmerman & Co. CPAs, Cincinnati, Ohio

“As a small business owner, advisor, and advocate, my support for Joe Biden comes down to one basic tenet — this country will not survive another four years without a leader. We need a leader who cares about everyone in this country, a leader with empathy, and a leader who cares more about small business than about his billionaire cronies and his own pocketbook. Small business led us out of the Great Recession and they can lead us out of this one too; but first, they must survive. For that, we need JOE!”

Jeni Britton Bauer, Founder & Owner of Jeni’s Ice Creams, Ohio

“As the female founder of a business based in middle-America, I know the importance of connecting with all my customers and suppliers, regardless of their viewpoints. I started Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams in a local farmers market and I want the next generation of entrepreneurs to have the same opportunities to start small and build in America. I know Joe personally and I believe that the Biden-Harris ticket will continue to provide these opportunities for everyone who has the passion and perseverance to start a new business.”

Michael Solomonov, Chef, Owner of Zahav Restaurant in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

“I believe that Joe Biden will be a champion for small businesses and their employees and will make sure they have access to the support they need to rebuild. This year’s election is truly about the values we hold dear as a nation and I am proud to support Joe Biden for President.”

Congressman Dwight Evans, U.S. Representative for Pennsylvania’s 3rd District

“I believe the Biden-Harris ticket is the right choice for America’s entrepreneurs because their plan is to truly support an economy that grows from the ground up, not from the one percent down. The Vice-President and Senator will invest in infrastructure and small business entrepreneurship that will help black and brown owned businesses grow and prosper and help us bridge the wealth equity gaps that are increasing by the day under Donald Trump.”

Kareem Afzal, Vice President of PDC Machines in Warminster, Pennsylvania

“As a small business owner doing business in the United States and around the world, I support Joe Biden and Kamala Harris because I believe they will work to restore America’s leadership in climate policy at home and supporting efforts abroad. This work will help create tens of thousands of high paying, high tech jobs to put American workers to work boosting our economy, our exports and helping the economy recover.”

Mountain West

Tiara Flynn, Owner & CEO of Sumnu Marketing in Henderson, Nevada

“The Biden-Harris ticket is the right choice for America because we need leaders who respect and honor the men and women who fought for and continue to fight for this country, both in and out of uniform. We need leaders who support growth and opportunities for small businesses. As an Air Force veteran and now small business owner, my life is all about service to others and selflessness. I served this country for nine and a half years in the Air Force and I continue to serve this country as a small business owner who helps other small businesses and entrepreneurs to not only grow, but maintain consistency in this game. It’s important for us all!”

Marta Loachamin, a realtor from Longmont, Colorado

“We’ve seen historically in our community how we’re going to our comunidad or los primos or nuestros tios to get our financing. We can look at data all day long about the way that functions [and] look at how important liquidity is for small business owners in this country. That’s one of the pieces that connects to Joe Biden’s and Kamala Harris’ platforms and their plans.”

John Hickenlooper, former Governor of Colorado

“As a former brewpub owner, I know that small businesses are the heart and soul of the American economy and absolutely essential to our ability to build back better from this pandemic. For too long, Washington has sided with the largest corporations and big businesses over Main Street and especially woman- and minority-owned businesses. Joe Biden is the leader we need because he cares about keeping small businesses open and helping new ones thrive. Working together, we will support our smallest businesses to rebuild our economy to be stronger and more equitable than ever before.”

U.S. Senator Michael Bennett of Colorado

“Now more than ever, we need new leadership that will look out for the hardest-hit businesses, jump-start our economy, and get our country back on track. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are leaders Coloradans can trust to put working families and small businesses first and help us build back better.”

West Coast

Shonda Scott, Founder & CEO of 360 Total Concept

“We are all women in business, we all know about building our own table not waiting for a seat. And we’re ready for Biden and Harris to help us move to a brighter and a better history and future for our country.”

Congresswoman Judy Chu, U.S. Representative for California’s 27th District

“Like many small businesses in America, AAPI businesses have been devastated by COVID-19. President Trump’s mismanagement of this virus and poor implementation of the Paycheck Protection Program led to a further hit for small businesses across our country. We need Vice President Biden & Senator Harris to help restore the soul of the nation, build back better & give small business owners — including our AAPI business owners — the attention they deserve from our federal government.”

Campaign Continues to Host Small Business Roundtables & Listening Sessions

The Biden-Harris campaign continues to host numerous small business roundtables and listening sessions where small business owners from around the country are voicing support and calling for leadership:

Melissa Butler, Founder of The Lip Bar in Detroit, Michigan

“We need an Administration that is going to take that care and know that we are going that extra mile to support our families, our communities, and our businesses.”

Tom Colicchio, Chef and Owner of Craft, at a listening session with Ohio restaurateurs

“Small restaurants with fewer than 20 locations employ 11 million Americans, more than any industry other than the federal government. Without federal help 70–80% of restaurants will close. Restaurants are community hubs. When a restaurant closes a link of the chain of that community is broken. The community is lesser.”

Justin Terbeest, Owner of Hop & Barrel Brewery in Hudson, Wisconsin

“There just isn’t any leadership. It’s so easy to say it’s bad leadership but this is even worse. There just seems like there’s no care or concern”

Quiana McDaniels, Owner of House of Dasha Boutique in DeSoto, Texas

“I applied for an EIDL Loan and did not even get the full $10,000 we needed to pay our employees. My family is helping us pay the bills, but with two immunocompromised children and no leadership, I can’t risk reopening.”

June Chow, Owner of Hello Dumpling in East Dallas, Texas

“We were able to get loans because we had a relationship with our local bank. We were lucky that we both have advanced degrees and my husband has another job, but for our neighboring first generation business owners, they have not been so lucky.”

Mary Blackmon Campbell, Owner of Kid to Kid of Buford, Georgia

“We want to open with 25% capacity like the CDC recommended, but the White House and our governor said to reopen and our landlord is looking at them and demanding that we reopen at 100%”

Matthew Irving, Owner of Quill Books & Beverage in Westbrook, Maine

“No matter who we spoke with, the answer was consistently that there was no guidance coming from the federal government and that there were numerous others seeking the same information. When guidance did begin to come in regarding the terms, it soon became clear that this program would not serve our industry, the hospitality industry, at all.”



Small Business for Biden-Harris

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris believe America’s small businesses are critical to our collective success as a nation. They have our backs, and we’ve got theirs.